(AKA James Rossiter)
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decorative image James Rossiter is, and is not, my real name. My real name is Ashley J.R. Carter and I use my middle names for my fiction writing for a few reasons.

First, when I started writing I discovered that there is already a well-known author names "Ashley Carter" and I didn't want to get us confused in readers' minds. This is especially true because he wrote steamy romances set in the slave-holding South, very different from the kinds of things I write.

Second, in addition to my fiction, I have published non-fiction as part of my job as a tenured professor and I wanted to make a separation. I’ve published 17 peer-reviewed scientific articles and you can check out links to these on my lab website if you’re interested. These are also very different from the fiction I write.

Finally, I'm very used to using a variety of names. At home and with friends I'm Ashley, but students have been calling me "Doctor Carter" and "Carter" for years. That's even though I keep trying to get them to call me Ashley or "The Doctor". So I figured, why not add a third name to the mix?

As long as I can keep all these names straight, I think this will all work out well.

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